Past Design Teams

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Happy Birthday Bayley

I'm not too proud to admit when I am wrong......and I have to admit that having a dog has been a lot of fun. I always considered myself more of a cat person...they are more independent...they kind of just stay where you put them (okay...where they want to be)... and I was okay with that. I didn't really want a was going to be like having another kid in the house...a lot of work and did I mention the work??? we are...we've had this little bundle in our home since August and I have to say that I may have been wrong...she sure is sweet...and a LOT of work, but she has learned to just sit behind me in my big craft room chair and just snuggle we are coming to a working relationship...

She turns one today...and I don't think she could be any cuter...

Happy Birthday Bayley...I hope you enjoyed your special dinner tonight (we gave her some can food) and your beef rib bone that you got this morning... you sure have made these little girlies of mine happy!

and thanks for keeping my back warm in my craft room...Happy Crafting....Lynda


She's a Color Queen said...

awwww! Dogs are wonderful fur babies!! I'm so glad you Lindley girls are enjoying her so much!

Trina said...

Oh, look at that little face!! I hope you all had a fabulous bday...