Past Design Teams

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day ten

Today the school had a big assembly to honor the veterans of our community and the girls were super excited to have their Papa come to school... He went to the first grade class and talked to them about his service career...just look at how thrilled she was to have him in her class...

today I am grateful that my girls have this wonderful man as their father. I am grateful that he served our country for twenty years in the Navy and safely retired. I am grateful that the school took the time to celebrate and honor our veterans.

What are you grateful for today?

I just simply put some things away in my craft room today...nothing really exciting...I did get this card posted on the Buttons & Bows blog:

I hope you'll find time to thank a veteran and remember the sacrafices they make for our liberties.

Happy crafting....Lynda

1 comment:

Mikal said...

Aaah... you can tell she is SO happy to have her daddy there. That is so sweet!

Love your card too!