I am an introvert.
That is who I am...I am by nature, so the idea of going anywhere with a group where I don't know anyone is so outside the realm of my comfort zone that I still can not believe I thought about doing it in the first place....
and now I can say "She did it anyway"... and I have to say that I am so very glad I took that chance...
I am back from Brave Girls Camp and I have to say that I have found so very much peace in the quiet that my mind was able to relax in that I don't know if I will ever be the same. There was such a warm and loving fellowship that was immediatly present from the moment I stepped off the plane and met Serena and Marianne that I knew I had made the right choice to do this for myself. With each new greeting of a fellow Brave Girl I grew less and less anxious about the decision and more energized.
The beautiful scenic (and rather lengthy) trip from the pickup point to the cabin was a relaxing way to get to know even more fellow Brave Girls. I was so glad to sit with Patrice as we chatted and laughed on the way up along the windy road and into the darkness.

When we arrived I was amazed that the cabin was decorated with such intimate details that it was almost unimaginable that these wonderful treasures were for us. Each little bauble upon the table was just right; each little twinkle light shone upon a photo of a loved one; each bow tied on the packages on the bed were done with love and care. A love and care that I don't believe I have ever felt before in my life from someone that I had not met.

The women of Brave Girls camp are pure love. That sparkle in their eyes was there when we arrived and lasted till the very last goodbye on Saturday. From the warm hugs hello (and I mean warm because it was quite chilly when we arrived) to the tearful goodbye hugs there was safety and warmth to be found in every little inch of that camp!!!
I find myself thinking a lot about the quiet that I allowed myself to have at camp. To just relax and be... it was difficult to have someone take care of my needs... I struggled with that... I even "slipped" a few times and poured water, folded things, and cleaned up a bit... but it was done from the same place of love and service that was surrounding me the entire time I was there. It reminded me that each little act; whether it be picking up plates, folding towels, or making coffee can be done from a place of love and it really does make a difference.
I listened. I learned. I laughed. I cried. I created. I wrote. I absorbed. I breathed. I grew. I loved. I empathized. I reflected. I restored. I believed. I recharged. I rested. I sang. I walked. I ate. I ached. I smiled. I painted. I lived. I trusted. I was....I became....I am....BRAVE!
I learned to trust these complete strangers because they trusted me with their truths. I have a newly revived belief that women can be truly and genuinely good to one another. This is something that I have truly been missing in my life; a confirmation that there is goodness to be found in everyone.

On the last night I even managed to go outside my comfort zone a great bit and even sang my crazy lyrics with Jen...

I had the best roomies a girl could ask for... each one a gift of light and a breathe of fresh air.... Jen and her infectious laugh and wicked cool sense of humor...Christa for her calm and comforting almost zen-like presence...and Jill...who seems to sweep into a room like the last breeze that comes through your window at the end of the day...gentle and soft...
I turned a page at Brave Girl Camp... I took stock in the place I am right now and the wonderful life that I have in front of me. I will fill my world with beautiful little baubles that are placed lovingly exactly so upon my table...I will teach my girls the words to the "Everybody" song and how to dance the "Mignon heart dance"... and I will love my husband and throw myself into creating the amazing life we deserve with reckless abandon (okay...maybe not so much since I'm a mega-planner, but you get the idea...nothing will stop me)...
I feel so at peace.
I feel so at peace.
I feel so restored.
I feel so calm.
I feel so in balance.
I feel so very me again....
So...thank you to all the beautiful amazing women of Brave Girls camp (and the few men who dropped in for heavy lifting type things)....you have helped to restore my sense of direction....
What a fabulous experience you've had -- thanks for writing about it!
Lynda, that was just such a beautiful post-I'm so happy for you. So happy that we got to experience it together-how lucky we are! Lots of love-Kelly
LOVE everything you wrote :)
I'm so happy to have met you Lynda ... I knew instantly that I had met a kindred soul, and was so happy to have someone to feel uncomfortable with as we allowed ourselves to be helped.
I now love you more than you can imagine, and know that we will be friends forever, my sweet sistah!
You are one of those rare jewels of a friend that only come around once in a great while. Your family is so very lucky to have you.
That is such a perfect post Lynda! Love it and you!
beautiful post, my sweet sister. xo LOVE YOU
What a beautiful post your holiday sounds amazing
thanks for sharing your experience. I sooo want to go. :D
Glad you enjoyed yourself.
girlfriend! That is a crazy amount of projects. Love em, way to go.
OMG...what a beautiful post! I can hear it in your words, such peace, such enthusiasm, such love! AND I can see it in your beautiful cards!
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